Platform & Security

Offero is a cloud-based volunteer management software application backed up by the Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform, one of the most scalable, secure, and redundant hosting architectures available. Rest assured that security is our number one priority. Offero is available to anyone, anywhere, anytime, and on any device with internet connectivity. Check on volunteer counts and communicate with registered participants from the field.

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100% cloud-based

Offero is cloud-based and operates on any internet connected device. It's mobile-responsive and works beautifully on desktop, tablet, or mobile. All major browsers and operating systems are supported. Ninety percent of Fortune 500 companies trust the Microsoft Cloud, and so do we.

Secure and reliable hosting

Offero is hosted on Microsoft Azure and configured with redundant components in two geographically separate data centers for maximum uptime (>99.99%) and security. Network access to data center servers is protected using firewalls, digital certificate authentication, and user credentials. Data center access is strictly limited and controlled by professional security staff. All data is encrypted when transmitted electronically for maximum compliance and peace-of-mind.

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"Offero is fantastic. There isn't anything else like it on the market. We use it daily to help us manage our volunteers and organize our events."

Nik B headshot

Nik Brockman

Web Administrator at Boulder County

No IT resources needed

None of your organization's IT or technical resources are needed to operate Offero. Since it operates in the cloud, our team handles all updates and maintenance. There is no need for your team to maintain cumbersome hardware.

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Fanatical support

There is no cap to the amount of support you can receive from our team of experts. You can reach us via phone, email, or support request. We are here to hold your hand through implementation and beyond. Plus, submitting questions, changes, and feedback has never been easier with Usersnap, our integrated visual feedback tool.

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Available on-site training

Offero is regarded by staff and volunteers of all ages as being easy to learn and use. However, we do offer optional on-site training for when you want to go beyond the standard virtual training. Let our team come to you and teach your staff to use Offero in a fun and engaging manner.

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Continuous improvement

We constantly monitor evolving technologies and are always looking for ways to improve the system. Over the past five years, we have invested over two million dollars in the Offero product. Our team continually attends and presents at conferences in order to be on the forefront of volunteer management trends and best practices. Information learned at industry events drives product direction and new feature functionality to maximize the efficiency of volunteer coordinators.